Helmstedt / Marienborn border crossing
German division Marienborn On a trip to Berlin, I visited the Marienborn German Partition Memorial. Some of you will still remember. Before 1989, the way to West Berlin by car was via a so-called transit highway to West Berlin. The border crossing point on the western side was Helmstedt. The Marienborn checkpoint was controlled by…
The next step
A sunny afternoon at 30° C. In the shade behind the department store on the banks of the Weser, the puddles from the recent heavy rain are only slowly disappearing.
First frost in November – Kurpark Bad Pyrmont
November morning in the spa gardens of Bad Pyrmont. The morning sun is thawing the first frost. I enjoy my rounds in the nearby spa gardens almost every day. Again and again I discover new views in the familiar. This time I’m enjoying the color of autumn and the warming rays of sunshine.
Pyrmont motifs – 3 new picture postcards
“I take targeted photographs when the lighting conditions make special moments possible.In photography I love capturing shapes, symmetries and moods and using them to create small stories to tell. In addition to landscapes and architecture, I also enjoy photographingpeople, especially my grandchildren. In addition to the memorable value, I am particularly fascinated bythe moments when…
Row of trees – plateau near Ottenstein
Trees line the horizon. The rows of trees stretch loosely along the paths. The snow has already melted and the meadow is still a wintery green. The wind blows and my eyes enjoy the expansive view. I like the peace that this photograph radiates for me.